Got AdSense Account Approved? Be Careful Of Termination

Generally this happens to new publishers only, because of the following possible reasons.

  1. They are new to AdSense Publisher program and not aware of the quality, structure and strict policy of the Google AdSense program.

  2. They might be new to internet market and not aware of possible scams and black hat strategies that may harm the ranking of website and the credibility also which results in termination of AdSense account.

  3. Where money is involved, there are unlimited efforts of getting it through shortcut ways. To get dummy AdSense account, fast money from new AdSense account, thousands of web masters are applying for the AdSense. AdSense is committed to keep the program neat and clean for advertiser's safety and quality. Hence Google AdSense team always keeps "Red Eye" on new publisher's behavior and money making strategies.
  4. Break of policy.

Reason may be what ever, but only one thing can save your from Google AdSense account termination as a new AdSense publisher is "Website Credibility" apart from the following all Google AdSense guide lines.

So how do I build the credibility online and be able to earn the trust worthy relationship from Google AdSense team?

Here are few AdSense tips and strategies derived from the experience and research.

  1. There is no need to say at this time, strictly follows the AdSense policy.

  2. Use only Ethical ways to generate traffic to your site, No Back hat SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tricks.

  3. Avoid using, automatic content generator, content re-writer or backlink generator and any kind of automated tool that works in unethical way or you are not aware of how that tool works.

  4. Do not rush behind the money. Once you got your AdSense account approved, monetize your blog / website and keep working slowly and smartly. Remove all AdSense payment hold and wait for your first AdSense income. Do not play much with the AdSense ad codes and placement before receiving your first payment from AdSense, not because it's not allowed but because you might make an self click or any other mistake accidentally resulting in break of AdSense policy and hence termination of account.

Hope this AdSense guide will the new publishers in getting success with the first payment from AdSense without any risk of termination. Share your AdSense experience and comments on this article here.

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